Birds of a Feather

Spring ushers in flocks of new inspiration, as well as an overall sense of rejuvenation. Our recent spring store set centers on new and vintage merchandise, all with exciting stories to tell. If you've visited our shoppe, you see our love for ornithology. Birds have a heavy presence throughout our space, as Phillip and Joe are fond of collecting them. Incorporating found objects into your home decor and tablescapes can be exciting and a great way to pay homage to our favorite creatures.

A Focal Object

Sometimes we're inspired by a singular object. If you're a design lover and object hunter, you've likely come into the quintessential situation of finding a piece that speaks to your aesthetic—not knowing what you're going to do with it, but you'll find a use or a place to display it. In this case, a vintage Chinese porcelain parrot dating back to the early 20th century is that object. In Chinese culture, birds have a rich history of symbolizing love, protection, and prosperity. We're captivated by it, drawn to its craftsmanship and the stories it might hold. 

Designing a Tablescape

A dinner party is a great time to showcase your favorite finds. A focal find adds a sense of place to your table designs and encourages conversation—a centerpiece with a story to share! In addition to fabulous fresh flowers and vintage plateware, a vintage object sparks conversations and creates a worldly ambiance that reflects your love for adventure and discovery. By incorporating a vintage object as the focal point of your tablescape, you not only create a visually stunning display but also infuse your dinner party with personality and charm.

The Finishing Touches

Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the ambiance for your dinner party. Incorporate soft candlelight to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Our favorite candle line, Linnea, offers the perfect amount of good light and fragrance to your space. Choose scents that complement the theme of your event or evoke pleasant memories for you and your guests.

We invite you to visit us—a space for those who appreciate both the aesthetic and the narratives behind the objects they bring into their lives. It can be incredibly inspiring to find an object that resonates with your aesthetic, and we hope to encourage how to design with those pieces that just speak to your soul.